Is 50 really just a
As I turned 50 years old last week, I ponder, “Is fifty
really just a number?” To understand the number enough to be able to answer the
question, I realize, fifty is a really, really common number in today’s
society. I mean,
•50 Shades of Grey
•50 United States of America
•50 stars on the American flag
•The Atomic number of Tin (and who doesn’t love tin?)
•The number of years in a Jubilee Period
•Golden Wedding Anniversary (maybe one day, I’ll
experience that—doubt it tho)
•Labatt’s beer 50 ale (I don’t drink beer)
•The 5th magic number in nuclear physics (for
my scientists, Bethany and Jonathan)
•The 25th even number
•The number of chapters in the Book of Genesis (now, that
I can wrap my head around)
•The 50th word in the Bible is, ‘light.’
•The number of the Joy and the Feast according to the
•The 50th day of the year is February 19 (my
sister, Debbie’s birthday)
•Pentecost is celebrated by the Jews 50 days after
•It is used 77 times in the Bible
•The word, ‘soldier,’ is used 50 times in the Bible
I relay all this just to say that reaching 50 years old
is not an insignificant milestone in my life. In fact, it is one denied many,
and I am truly grateful that I have lived to see the day:
•I am finally comfortable in my own shoes, do not really
care what others think of me, and realize life is all about relationships.
•My eldest has just turned 21 years, my middle daughter,
19 and my youngest, nearly 17 years old.
•My homeschooling years are complete, high school years
are nearly complete, and I am in the full swing of the college years.
•Crisis are temporary, constant and normal. Life does go
•Never take my good health for granted. Again, it’s a
privilege denied many.
Does this mean that I enjoy turning 50 years old? Of
course. You bet! I have earned every wrinkle and crease that my face has to
offer. I have earned the right to look at someone and tell them the complete
truth, without backing down. (Kindly, of course.) I have earned the right to
state my opinion, without feeling ‘less than,’ to say ‘no,’ to attending events
I don’t want to attend, to give advice on God, love, religion and politics. To
live vicariously through my children. To love, love, love dating. To not be
afraid to express what I want and demand in a guy (faithfulness and
kindness—that’s about it). To not settle for anything less than what the Lord
wants for me. To exude unconditional love and to walk away from those who
I love getting older and the wisdom that it brings. As
the majority of my friends are turning 49, 50 and/or 51 this year, my prayer
for them as that they, too, enjoy their golden years. After all, isn’t 50 years
old the new 35? (Only without the little
kids?) That’s my secret prayer, too!